The Seronni family (Luigi Batista Seronni, Milena Rodrigues Araujo, Pietro, Maria and Fabiana Rodrigues Seronni) stands as an extraordinary example of commitment and dedication to the AFS cause, fostering inclusivity and empathy in all their actions. Over the course of nine years, they have opened their hearts and home to more than 30 exchange students, regardless of ethnicity, race, age, nationality, or religion. Their welcoming spirit, affection, and genuine empathy create an environment where young people can thrive, find support in personal conflicts, and experience the rich tapestry of diversity and cultural exchange.

The Seronni family actively promotes the essence of being a host family. Their efforts help other families understand the unique relationship that develops between exchange students and their hosts. By sharing their extensive hosting experience, they inspire and reassure new families, making it easier for them to embark on their own hosting journey. In doing so, the Seronni family plays a pivotal role in expanding the AFS community, fostering personal growth and cultural exchange for all involved.

Each family member contributes to the AFS cause, assuming different roles united by a shared goal of understanding, helping, and showing empathy. The children in the family serve as counselors, providing personal support and guidance to exchange students throughout their journey. Additionally, they open their home to students in need of changing host families.

The Seronni family’s unwavering support for AFS is grounded in their profound admiration for the organization. Beyond hosting, they actively participate in helping other host families navigate the hosting process, offering advice and guidance to make the experience smoother and more enjoyable. Their deep respect for AFS’s mission, as well as their promotion of diversity, empathy, and love, makes them exceptionally deserving of this award.

Peggy and Art Howe Award

Established in 2016, Peggy and Art Howe Award honors the outstanding service of AFS volunteer families. This award is inspired by the Howe family, who volunteered for AFS for more than six decades. Art Howe was a volunteer AFS Ambulance Driver in World War II, President of AFS (1965-1971), and Life Trustee until his passing in 2014.

In 2023, winners of the Young AFS Volunteer Award winners were:

  • Minttu and Antti Auvinen, AFS Finland
  • Bonnie & Jim Stark, AFS USA
  • Luigi Batista Seronni, Milena Rodrigues Araujo, Pietro, Maria and Fabiana Rodrigues Seronni, AFS Brazil
  • György Kugler, Ágnes Kuglerné Eper, AFS Hungary