For over 15 years, György Kugler and Ágnes Kuglerné Eper have been the heart and soul of their AFS chapter. Since 2007, they have opened their home to exchange students from around the world, hosting Italian, German, Thai, Colombian, and many other teenagers. Their warm hospitality has welcomed these students into an environment where the AFS values of openness and acceptance are not just words but a way of life.

Their dedication to hosting is truly remarkable, as they have now welcomed their 14th exchange student into their home. Notably, their hosting experiences have been so positive that many of their exchange students have learned to speak Hungarian, and none have asked for a family change. This success is a testament to the strong bonds and great times they share together.

The impact of their AFS journey extends beyond their hosting experiences. Their own children have grown up in an environment where AFS values are an integral part of their daily lives. They’ve had the privilege of learning alongside their parents about the beauty of intercultural differences and the importance of empathy and understanding. This unique upbringing has prepared them to navigate a diverse and interconnected world.

Peggy and Art Howe Award

Established in 2016, Peggy and Art Howe Award honors the outstanding service of AFS volunteer families. This award is inspired by the Howe family, who volunteered for AFS for more than six decades. Art Howe was a volunteer AFS Ambulance Driver in World War II, President of AFS (1965-1971), and Life Trustee until his passing in 2014.

In 2023, winners of the Young AFS Volunteer Award winners were:

  • Minttu and Antti Auvinen, AFS Finland
  • Bonnie & Jim Stark, AFS USA
  • Luigi Batista Seronni, Milena Rodrigues Araujo, Pietro, Maria and Fabiana Rodrigues Seronni, AFS Brazil
  • György Kugler & Ágnes Kuglerné Eper, AFS Hungary