by Dylan Peterson, Education Development Specialist, AFS Intercultural Programs

On World Teachers’ Day, 5 October, AFS Intercultural Programs recognizes and praises the essential and tireless work of educators all over the world. Educators make up a significant portion of AFS volunteers around the globe, and the “AFS Effect” is multiplied by their efforts. Educators are a key part of an educational exchange experience for students going abroad, both encouraging their own students to embark on the experience, and welcoming international students into their classrooms.

The behavior and actions of educators in and out of the classroom helps to shape student values. Teachers can be a huge part of developing global competence in youth around the world and are an essential component to achieving the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

As an organization, AFS is committed to supporting teachers and currently offers two free global virtual exchange programs for educators anywhere in the world. The AFS Effect+ for the Classroom program is currently accepting applications through 8 October, 2023 for 300 scholarships for teachers to learn about global competence education and join an international community committed to teaching students about the UN SDGs. The AFS Global STEM Educators program offers scholarships to 250 educators anywhere in the world to join a global virtual exchange focused on sustainable development, with applications for the next program opening in February 2024.

Additionally, the AFS Youth Assembly recently sponsored a Global Educators Workshop for an international cohort of 50 young educators to engage in interactive learning and skill-building focused on global citizenship education.

AFS Intercultural Programs will continue to support educators globally through our programs, scholarships, and free curriculum and resources. If you are an educator and would like to get involved, please contact AFS in the country where you live!

AFS thanks the educators of the world on World Teachers’ Day!