• August 2-7, 2021
  • An open, virtual and no-cost event for teachers from Latin America
  • Tribute to Paulo Freire on the centenary of his birth
  • 11 events in Spanish, Portuguese or English for all the public
  • Speakers include Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD; Lucía Verdugo of UNESCO, Guatemala; Nita Freire, Luiza Erundina and Teresa Leitão, to pay tribute to Paulo Freire
  • Organized by ALEI, the Latin American Alliance for Intercultural Education that groups fourteen AFS national offices in the region

The second edition of the Ibero-American Week of Global Education will take place from August 2 to 7, it is an open, virtual, free event for teachers around the world with eleven workshops, conferences and talks in Spanish, Portuguese and English and more than twenty guests from around the world.

In 2021 there will be a special tribute to the Brazilian educator Paulo Freire to celebrate the centenary of his birth, with reflections on his teachings to apply them in today’s classrooms.

Since the presentation of the results of the PISA Global Competence assessment at the 2020 AFS Global Conference, AFS organizations in Latin America and Spain have analyzed the role of teachers in their development, derived in free training programs that allow them to adopt concepts such as interculturality and global citizenship and bring them effectively to the classroom.

Thanks to the experience of 2020, AFS Intercultural Programs in Latin America and Spain, will develop a new international meeting that, in virtual way, will bring together experts, educational authorities, civil organizations, teachers and young people from all over Ibero America to analyze, discuss and promote the Education for Global Citizenship.

The Iberoamerican Week of Global Education, which had more than six thousand participants from twenty countries in its first edition, shows us the possibility of doing seminars remotely, expanding their access, taking them to more territories and allowing us to share experiences to create collective, national, regional and global solutions.

Participants will be able to access conferences on various topics such as “Global Competencies and their relevance to the future of a more just and peaceful world” and “The current legacy of Freirian education and the strengthening of global competencies in Latin America.” Workshops will focus on the application of concepts in classrooms such as “Educational strategies to advance in the improvement of results.” The final event will be dedicated to the future and the great challenge of education in our countries to close the gap that the pandemic has left us.

Also noteworthy are conferences by international experts such as Andreas Schleicher, Director of Education and Skills of the OECD, who will bring us a Photograph of Latin America in Global Skills according to the PISA test. Lucía Verdugo Urréjola, UNESCO National Education Officer in Guatemala and Carlos Brenes Castillo, Sociologist specializing in rural development. And to pay tribute to Paulo Freire, people with great influence in his life such as Nita Freire, Luiza Erundina and Teresa Leitão, among others.

For more information and registration: alei.afs.org/sieg.

About ALEI and AFS

With 70+ years of experience facilitating intercultural learning opportunities in more than 60 countries, AFS has doubled down on its efforts in the education of global citizens, expanding its reach to universities, educators and school classrooms, with the conviction that intercultural competencies are key to the development of citizens with social responsibility and the creation of more just and peaceful communities.

AFS Intercultural Programs invites those who share our learning to come together and work together to understand and address the issues of our time and to advance the global citizenship education movement.

ALEI is the Latin American Alliance for Intercultural Education that groups fourteen AFS national offices in the region.