AFS Guatemala will host the first national forum on global citizenship education on 25 July 2017 in Guatemala City, Guatemala. The forum will bring together educators, UNESCO representatives, the Ministry of Education, business and civil society organizations to discuss and promote global citizenship education across Guatemala.

The entire education community, including school principals, teachers, and counselors, plays a key role in helping students develop the global competences necessary in the 21st Century. That is why AFS Guatemala has inviting over 75 educators to join the forum and explore how to work together in promoting the global movement for citizenship education. This forum builds on the success of previous regional events in Costa Rica in 2015 and the Dominican Republic earlier this year,  both of which focused on global competence development in the Caribbean.

During the forum, the participants will learn more about the UNESCO global citizenship education framework, the Guatemalan national perspective on it, and the national legal background supporting global citizenship education. The forum will also be an opportunity to hear first hand from future employers what global competences are valued when hiring.

The keynote speakers of the forum include:

  • José I. Moreno Cámbara, Vice-Minister of Education in Guatemala, who will bring the national perspective on global citizenship education
  • Lucía Verdugo-Urréjola, UNESCO Education Official, who will tackle the relevance of global citizenship education
  • Verónica Spross, Executive Director of Entrepreneurs for Education, set to explore global competencies required in the Guatemalan work force
  • Cynthia M.  Guerra, Director of Education of the Office of the Ombudsman, who will discuss the legal framework of global citizenship education
  • Cecilia Vásquez, Executive Director of Fundación AFS Guatemala, who will provide insights on intercultural learning opportunities for educators.

Participation in the Forum will be free of charge for AFS volunteers, educators and AFS parents. For more information contact AFS Guatemala or visit their website.