Study abroad with AFS!

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5 reasons you should study abroad


1. How many best friends can I have?

You will meet so many people from so many places. They will be your partners in adventure, the people you trust the most and the friends you will want to keep for the rest of you life.


2. Oui! Danke! Yo entiendo everything!

 Learning a new language opens so many doors! It looks great on your resume, helps you make tons of international friends and is overall one of the cooler things you could spend your time doing.


3. What now?

 Choosing what to study after high school is scary, very scary. Studying abroad gives you some time think, but more importantly it helps you discover who you are and who you want to become.


4. Food! So much food!

 The moment you discover your new favorite food is probably one of the best moments when you study abroad. And it happens so many times! Leaving all the amazing food behind makes going back home so hard.


5. The time of your life!

 It’s hard to believe that in such a short time you can experience, grow, learn and love so much. AFSers always say: “It’s not a year in your life, it’s a life in a year”.


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