Participate in a very special fundraising initiative: the Presidents’ Pledge for Global Impact!

Four former Presidents of AFS International: Vincenzo Morlini, Tachi Cazal, Paul Shay and Richard Spencer have joined Daniel Obst, our current President & CEO, to commit a total of $10,000 for a matching fundraising campaign.

Your donations will enable young students to embark on the greatest adventure of their lives as they set off for their programs abroad. You’ll impact host families opening their homes and hearts to welcome an international student and schools and communities that embrace someone new with a different world-view.  Your gifts will also support volunteers worldwide who drive the mission of AFS forward to bridge distances and deepen understanding.

The first $10,000 raised through this campaign will be matched by AFS International Presidents, dollar for dollar.


Why donate to AFS?

AFS develops active global citizens who take action to make a positive difference where they live, study, work and volunteer. Our study abroad, education and volunteer programs empower people of all ages and backgrounds with essential intercultural knowledge, skills and understanding. As a leading nonprofit international education organization, we believe global competence is fundamental to building just and peaceful societies.

Read our latest Annual Report

Meet the AFS International Presidents

These extraordinary global citizens and leaders of AFS have committed to match the first $10,000 raised through this campaign, dollar for dollar.

Daniel Obst


“In today’s world—which faces so many challenges and, yet, is so divided—we need more dialogue and exchange. We need to provide more people with the knowledge, skills and values to build bridges and to create a more just and peaceful world. And that’s what AFS has been doing for more than 100 years. International education and intercultural exchange are the best investments we can make in our shared future.”

Vincenzo Morlini


“AFS goes far beyond a school exchange program and helps people to become better citizens of a globalized world and contribute to a more just and peaceful global community. For me, giving back means making a small contribution to help other people enjoy a type of life like the one I have lived and I am still living, as a volunteer.”

Tachi Cazal


“Adventure. Testing limits. Inviting change. Gaining a new perspective. An AFS experience is all this and more. I know because I went on AFS too. AFS has given me new knowledge, perspective and commitment. All AFSers are global citizens, turning places into people.”

Paul Shay


“It was an honor to serve the cause of peace and understanding, and the development of youth. Many people, especially volunteers, told me they received more from AFS than they contributed to AFS. It is a pleasure to participate in this campaign and to give a little back to AFS, which helps create a community of global citizens that feel connected and have a shared sense of responsibility.”

Richard Spencer


“I can still recall the magic of my AFS experience and the way it transformed my life. I stepped into a different world which gave me new insights and a glimpse of the possibilities beyond my own horizons. In a world increasingly retreating into tribes, suspicion and fear, AFS offers hope for a better and more peaceful future. The patient but critically important work of bridging differences and bringing people together must continue. AFS is superbly placed to meet that challenge and inspire others to join in that effort.”

Participate in a this special fundraising initiative, contribute to the AFS Global Impact Fund!

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About the AFS Global Impact Fund

Help AFS make change happen worldwide. Your contributions to the AFS Global Impact Fund will enable more talented students from all backgrounds to build global competence, host families around the world will be better prepared for their intercultural experiences, and 50,000+ AFS volunteers will receive robust training on how to lead their communities. This fund is established and run by AFS International.

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