What’s your passion?



Boost your job prospects with an international workplace training in your desired profession. See what your studies look like in a business, government or NGO, while making your CV or resume more attractive to employers.


Language Learning

Practice your new language in real world settings. Plus, enjoying the customs and traditions of a new culture is easier when you are fluent in the language.


Volunteer Abroad

Tackle an issue that you are passionate about. AFS lets you choose your area of interest—from working with youth to environmental issues—in a part of the world that you would like to work in and learn from.



Spend some time in another country, exploring another educational system, from a few weeks to a year. Share your experience with other teachers and students abroad in a new cultural setting.


Gap Year Opportunities

Go abroad for a few weeks, a few months or longer. Develop new life skills, find your passion, learn another language and make friends in cool places. All great ways to prepare for college, and learn to be more independent.


Study Abroad

Combine academic classes in any discipline or field of study with an international experience. Enhance your academic learning by working with new professors with different perspectives.

An extraordinary cultural impact

“Participating in a cultural exchange experience after I completed university, with a more mature thinking and security, has made it a fruitful and peaceful journey. The cultural impact of what I experienced in Denmark was extraordinary and led to my personal and professional growth. I aim to apply the experiences I had by making a difference in the lives of the people around me everywhere I go.”

— Rennan Rojas, Brazilian volunteer in Denmark

Putting things into a perspective

“This experience changed my life forever. It forces you to adjust, to put things in perspective, to become independent, patient, grateful, and gives you an open-mind. My experience made me who I am today, helped me to get my first job in Belgium, introduced me to my best friends, convinced me even more that volunteer work is enriching and gave me long life memories.”

— Saskia De Jonghe, Belgian volunteer in Zambia

The Global Competence Certificate


This state-of-the-art Global Competence Certificate (GCC) program prepares you to successfully navigate new cultural environments—during your experience and long after you finish the program. Online intercultural learning modules combined with in-person sessions help you develop practical and global skills, knowledge and attitudes that employers need and mission-driven organizations believe will help achieve their social impact goals.

Ready to enter the job market

“Getting away from your comfort zone and pushing your boundaries is what this is all about. In that process you discover a part of yourself you did not know. After 8 months I feel a confidence I have never felt before. I feel ready to enter the job market and to make something out of my life. I want to encourage other young people to take the step to go abroad. You will come back with happy memories, crazy stories and loads of confidence.”

— Marjolein Dieltiens, Belgian volunteer in Denmark

A global perspective; a valued competitive edge

Stand out from your peers by adding “global” to your personal and professional identity. Stimulating AFS experiences provide young adults with a clear advantage in many ways and every profession—at home and around the world. That’s because living, studying, working and volunteering abroad helps you become more confident in unfamiliar settings, while sharpening practical cross-cultural skills valued in many universities, NGOs and workplaces.

AFS adult participants are supported by a Global Competence Certificate program that will help you better navigate your international experience and prepare you for a lifetime of cross-cultural encounters.

The next generation of outstanding AFS programs.

Trusted organization. Proven track record.  Lifelong connections.

Born from AFS values, adult programs are organized by a network of well-respected AFS and other organizations. We help adults find the right international program to achieve your personal and professional goals. Benefit from an international community of friends, qualified staff and passionate volunteers ready to help you achieve your dreams.