The pandemic has catapulted the use of virtual education and exchange to the mainstream. But do virtual exchanges really work? Relatively little research has been done in this emerging area, and almost none with K-12 learners.

This International Education Week, join AFS Intercultural Programs and the Stevens Initiative to discuss preliminary results from one of the first of seven independent research projects examining issues in virtual exchange design and practice. With funding from the Stevens Initiative, AFS looked into the efficacy of virtual exchange in strengthening high school students’ global competence by analyzing the AFS Global You Adventurer program. (Find out more about this research study here.)

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The webinar “Strengthening Virtual Exchange: AFS’s Research Results” will be organized on November 15 at 3 pm ET. Attendees will get a first look at preliminary research results, insights into what makes a virtual exchange effective, and practical implementation advice from industry experts. Panelists include:

This webinar is hosted by AFS and the Stevens Initiative. Register now