I. Some students learn, some don’t:

Churchill, R. (1958). The Student Abroad. The Antioch Review. Vol 18, #4, pp.447-454.

Kinginger, C. (2008). Language learning in study abroad: Case studies of Americans in France. The Modern Language Journal, 92, i-131.

Oxford, R., & Nyikos, M. (1989). Variables affecting choice of language learning strategies by university students. The modern language journal, 73(3), 291-300.

Pellegrino, V. A. (1998). Student perspectives on language learning in a study abroad context. Frontiers: The interdisciplinary journal of study abroad, 4(2), 91-120.

Robinson, G. L. (1978). The magic-carpet-ride-to-another-culture syndrome: An international perspective. Foreign Language Annals, 11(2), 135.

Vande Berg, M., Paige, R.M. and Lou, K.H. (2012). Student Learning Abroad: What Our Students Are Learning, What They? re Not, and What We Can Do About It. Stylus Publishing, LLC.

II. Even when study abroad students learn, they may not gain in intercultural competence

Bennett, M. J. (1997). How not to be a fluent fool: Understanding the cultural dimension of language. New ways in teaching culture, 16-21.

Hammer, M. R. (2002). Assessment of the impact of the AFS study abroad experience. New York: AFS Intercultural Programs. Downloaded from: https://idiinventory.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/afs_study.pdf

Vande Berg, M., Connor-Linton, J. & Paige, R.M. (2009). The Georgetown consortium project: Interventions for student learning abroad. Frontiers: The interdisciplinary journal of study abroad, 18, 1-75.

III. When you mentor someone, they often learn more effectively

Jones, D. C., Campbell, M. M., & Acheson, K. (forthcoming). Intercultural learning in semester-long study abroad: A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of one-on-one versus group-mentored interventions. The Journal on Excellence in College Teaching.

Lou, K., & Bosley, G. (2008). Dynamics of cultural contexts: Meta-level intervention in the study abroad experience. In Savicki, V. (Ed.) Developing intercultural competence and transformation: Theory, research, and application in international education, 276-296. Stylus Publishing, LLC.

Paige, R. M., & Goode, M. L. (2009). Intercultural competence in international education administration: Cultural mentoring: International education professionals and the development of intercultural competence. The SAGE handbook of intercultural competence, 333-349.

IV. Other Citations

AFS Intercultural Programs (2012). The Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity…for AFS Friends and Family, with graphics ©Julien Peyre.  Downloaded from: https://s3.amazonaws.com/woca-s3/telligent.evolution.components.attachments/13/1637/00/00/00/00/65/17/DMIS+for+AFS+%26+Friends.pdf

Bennett, M. J. (2017). Developmental model of intercultural sensitivity. The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, 1-10.

Bittinger, M. (2019). An Instructor’s Experiment: Adding Intentional Global Competency into a Pre-Existing Short-Term Study Abroad Program.  Published on the Intercultural Learning Hub: https://hubicl.org/publications/49/2 .

Downey, G. L., Lucena, J. C., Moskal, B. M., Parkhurst, R., Bigley, T., Hays, C., … & Lehr, J. L. (2006). The globally competent engineer: Working effectively with people who define problems differently. Journal of Engineering Education, 95(2), 107-122.

Vande Berg, M. (2017). Four Phases of Intercultural Competence Development. Intercultural Learning and Teaching Faculty Development Workshop presentation, Purdue University, West Lafayette.

Yngve, K.  (2018). Intercultural Development Outcomes of 24 Short-term Study Abroad Programs. Briefings, Institutional Data Analysis + Assessment, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Downloaded from: https://www.purdue.edu/idata/documents/OIRAE_Briefings/Short-Term_Study_Abroad_December_2018.pdf

Yngve, K., Acheson-Clair, K., and Jones, D.C. (2018). ENGR 397 (or) SCI 395: Semester Abroad Intercultural Leadership course. West Lafayette, Indiana (USA): Purdue University. Syllabus & materials available at: https://hubicl.org/members/1043/collections/semester-abroad-in-intercultural-learning-sail-scholarship-at-purdue-university

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