To my best understanding, friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two people. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. I met a lot of friends here in Turkey but the really cool, close ones are those i would like to talk about are Nareeya, an exchange student from Thailand and Sara, an exchange student from Italy.

Jennifer Sarkodie
Jennifer Sarkodie

I met Nareeya on my arrival to Turkey. We spent our first three days in Turkey together and fortunately for us, we were placed in the same city. Sara arrived a month after our arrival, she was also in the same city as Nareeya and I.

Our friendship sparked like a fire the first day we met and it grew stronger each day. We share our secrets, encourage each other and just have fun. We’ve shared most of our country’s popular food recipes, so now I can cook a delicious edible Thai or Italian food. We like going shopping together and just hanging out.

In Ghana, friendship is all about sticking out for each other, going shopping, attending parties together and sleeping over which is almost like friendship in Turkey except for less sleepover. Thank you AFS for bringing me to this country to meet such wonderful friends that I’ll never forget. I love them so much.

By Jennifer Sarkodie, AFS student from Ghana on exchange in Turkey. Jennifer is one of the young deserving students who received the 2016 Investing in Africa’s Future Leaders scholarship to participate in a year-long school exchange program with AFS.